01:30 PM - 03:30 PM
About the event
Peddle your way through urban Vancouver and learn about various approaches to density and alternative built form typologies along the way with urban designer, Scot Hein.
The Versions of Vancouverism tour provides interesting background to the design considerations for the Olympic Village midrise community, the Wing Sang Building in Chinatown, Woodward’s, Blood Alley, the Vancouver Trade and Convention Centre and three seminal west end towers: The Presidio, Eugenia Place and The Sylvia Hotel addition. In addition to observing density performance, the tour will provide backstories to seminal development achievements. The tour features stops along False Creek, thru Chinatown and Gastown, along Coal Harbour and thru the West End.
Requirements: Bring Your Own Bike and lock (should participants opt for refreshments following the tour).
Registration: Email Public Programs Coordinator Alan Kollins: akollins@museumofvancouver.ca
Tour Leader
Scot Hein is the University of British Columbia’s urban designer. Scott teaches in UBC’s Masters of Urban Design Program and was the City of Vancouver’s Senior Urban Designer for over 10 years.