Urbanarium City Talks
CanU City Circle (Video)

What are the key urban design initiatives your city plan has introduced to foster deeper community resilience? What jurisdictional tools have been most effective in making these initiatives happen?
City Circle moderator, Khelsilem, and guests involved in city-wide plans around the world, explore the steps their cities are taking to design neighbourhoods that better support community resilience – ie: cohesive, connected, mutually-supportive communities. A special opportunity to reach beyond conventional city-shaping to a deeper, more place-based approach with the following special guests:
- Chief Janice George / Chepximiya Siyam, Hereditary Chief of Squamish Nation, master weaver and teaching artist
- Khelsilem Tl’aḵwasiḵ̓an Sxwchálten, Elected Councillor and spokesperson for Squamish Nation
- Olivia Haddon, Māori Design Specialist at Auckland Council, City of Auckland, New Zealand
- Evelina Hafvenstein-Säteri, Senior Urban Designer, City of Stockholm, Sweden
- Kalen Anderson, Director of The City Plan and Urban Analysis, City of Edmonton
- Alain Miguelez, Manager, Policy Planning, City of Ottawa
- Gil Kelley, GM of Planning, Urban Design & Sustainability, City of Vancouver
- Joyce Drohan, Chair CanU 2020, Principal, Joyce M Drohan Urban Design
- Karis Hiebert, Manager Vancouver Plan, City of Vancouver
Organized by: Urbanarium,
Council for Canadian Urbanism,
UBC School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture
Sponsored by: RH Architects (RHA), CanU 2020 Step Up Forum sponsors