12:00 AM - 12:00 AM
About the event
The City of Vancouver is developing conceptual plans for the Granville Bridge Connector, a new walking, rolling, and cycling path across the Granville Bridge. There’s also an opportunity to create a great public space with seating, art, and other amenities.
Staff have developed a recommended option informed by previous rounds of engagement.
This workshop is an opportunity to help us further refine and improve the recommended design, which was developed based on previous rounds of engagement. It will be an opportunity to dive deeper into:
- Transportation function (e.g. network connections and circulation, path widths, and intersection treatment)
- Overall path experience (e.g. lighting, means prevention fencing, and furniture)
- Special moments on the bridge (e.g. locations and special features)
Workshops will be a maximum of 3 hours and will happen at one of the follow times:
- Saturday February 1 - 10am to 1pm
- Tuesday, February 4 – 1:30pm to 4:30pm
- Tuesday, February 4 – 6pm to 9:00pm
Please do not sign up for multiple workshops to provide space for others. Each workshop will cover the same material. Registration for each workshop will end at noon the day before the workshop. Light snacks will be provided.
Location: CityLab Vancouver
49.263444, -123.115561
CityLab Vancouver
511 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC