01:30 PM - 04:30 PM
About the event
Gastown's streets are in need of major repair. The City of Vancouver now has a unique opportunity to work with people who live, work, visit and commute through Gastown to consider the future of the area and create a plan for the streets and transportation network. Join us for one of five free walking tours and a workshop to help develop a vision for Gastown's streets!
Following a Welcome by Shane Pointe at 1:30, walking tours will begin. Tours include:
• Heritage by John Atkin
• Business by Leanore Sali, Gastown Business Improvement Society
• Public Space by Andrew Pask, Vancouver Public Space Network
• Active Transportation by Emily Willobee, Better Environmentally Sound Transportation
• Laneways and Community Building by Davin Boutang, the Binners’ Project
Location: Woodward’s Atrium
49.282617, -123.107207
Woodward’s Atrium
333 Abbott Street
Vancouver, BC